In conclusion, we recommend using MALEE’S TAXI for your transportation from the airport to MALEE’S HOME.
For more details about MALEE’S TAXI, please click [here].

*** Please Read Carefully ***

In Thailand, addresses and Google Maps do not always align. This means that the address registered on Airbnb cannot pinpoint the exact location of MALEE’S HOME. To reiterate, the correct address cannot be confirmed directly from Airbnb. While this might be difficult for foreigners to understand, it stems from the fact that map usage was not traditionally common in Thailand.

So, how do Thai people locate addresses? In Thailand, addresses are identified by sequential numbering along the road. Odd numbers (e.g., 1, 3, 5…) are on the left side, and even numbers (e.g., 2, 4, 6…) are on the right. People navigate by following these numbers.

What about taxi drivers? Simply put, they aim for the numbered address and rely on asking locals for the final directions. This process is a common practice in Thailand, not just for MALEE’S HOME, so please understand this local custom and rest assured.

Please note that our situation differs from that of regular hotels. First, for well-known hotels, taxis can take guests there even if the exact address is unclear, as long as they know the location. Second, even for lesser-known hotels, taxis can navigate to them if they appear on Google Maps. However, since our Airbnb cannot be registered on Google Maps, this option is not available. Additionally, many taxi drivers are unfamiliar with the Airbnb homestay service, which can further cause confusion.

Now, about MALEE’S HOME PHUKET, it is located on Pisitkoraneee Rd, in a small alley (Soi) called Khlongbangphrurian(SOIBANGPHRUREAN). Below, we’ve provided the address in Thai, but note that this is not a well-known road, so even local Thai people may not recognize it. Additionally, Thai and English spellings don’t always match.

  • Pisitkoraneee Rd / ถนน พิศิษฐ์กรณีย์
  • Soi Khlongbangphrurian(SOIBANGPHRUREAN) / ซอย คลองบางพรุเรียน

■ Address
198/8, Soi Khlong Bang Phrurian, Pisitkoraneee Rd, Patong, Kathu District, Phuket 83150

■ที่อยู่ (Address in Thai):
198/8, ซอยคลองบางพรเรี่ยน, ถนนพิสิษฐ์กรณ์, ป่าตอง, อำเภอกะทู้, ภูเก็ต 83150


We are currently in the process of registering on Google Maps, but due to local circumstances in Thailand, the registration has not yet been approved. In the meantime, please use the following Google Maps link or enter the coordinates below into Google Maps to locate the property. The displayed location is the correct address for MALEE’S HOME PHUKET.

Coordinates: 7.895919, 98.306448

*You can copy and paste the numbers above into Google Maps to display the exact location.

*We don’t live at MALEE’S HOME PHUKET. Even if we explain the location in Thai over the phone, it could only lead to more confusion if you’re unfamiliar with the road or alley names. To make things much easier, please use one of the following methods to reach MALEE’S HOME PHUKET smoothly.

If you're still unsure, start from the 7-Eleven!

If you’re still unsure, just head to the nearby 7-Eleven. Simply tell the driver, “The 7-Eleven on Pisitkoraneee Road in Patong,” and they should understand. However, please note that there are two 7-Eleven stores on Pisitkoraneee Road. It’s the one closer to the sea.

  • If you won’t have internet access outside of Thailand, please take a screenshot of the information beforehand.
  • If English is not understood, show the following in Thai to the taxi driver:
    ไปเซเว่นอีเลฟเว่นบนถนนพิศิษฐ์กรณีย์ในป่าตอง ถนนพิศิษฐ์กรณีย์มีเซเว่นสองที่ เป็นเซเว่นที่อยู่ใกล้ทะเล」
    (Translation: Please go to the 7-Eleven on Pisitkoraneee Road in Patong. There are two 7-Eleven stores on Pisitkoraneee Road. It’s the one closer to the sea.)

Walk from the 7-Eleven.

The street in front of the 7-Eleven is Pisitkoraneee Road.

With the 7-Eleven behind you, walk about 20 meters to the right and then turn immediately right.

After turning right, immediately turn left.

You will see the apartment. Please continue straight ahead.

The apartment is called “CHUSRI APARTMENT.” In Thailand, no one knows the names of apartments or buildings, so please do not ask local Thai people for directions—it will only make you more anxious. Even some of the residents of the apartment may not know its name.

The shared space, “MALEE’S CAFE,” is on your right. For check-in (get the key), please proceed to the right.

This is the entrance.

Take a taxi from the 7-Eleven.

If you have large luggage, the taxi can take you directly to the front of MALEE’S HOME. In that case, the taxi will enter Soi Bangphrurean, a small alley next to the 7-Eleven.

With the 7-Eleven behind you, there is a small alley 10 meters to the left. You can see the alley sign in the blue circle.

Turn left into that alley and proceed.

This is a close-up image of the sign. You can see it says “SOI BANGPHRUREAN.”

Here is the sign from a different angle.

Enter the alley and proceed.

Follow the road, keeping to the left as you go.

Continue straight ahead.

You will see the apartment diagonally to your left.

Please enter from here.

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